Storytelling text

Miss. No Name, corpse
On a cold winter night, I was walking my dog (Jasmine) through the woods, taking a shortcut to the park. Jasmine could smell something and was starting to pull on the lead, suddenly she was pulling me on this path of footprints which brought us to the shore. Jasmine started sniffing around this lump of sand which left her to start digging, it was quite dark to see but from what my eyes could make out; it was this eerie and ghastly thing. I tried walking closer but I wasn’t able to believe my sight; lying there, was this lifeless corpse. I held my hand over my mouth, trembling yet scared to make a sound. Jasmine came to my side, I assumed frightened as I was, I could’ve sworn I saw a tear escape from her eyes. I knew I had to do something; I was searching through my bag for my phone, as I was about to dial 999, this ambulance came out of nowhere. Who called them? I wonder.

Written by Rachael Cook & Arabella Smith

Proposed media

Format/technique used


Target Audience

Using “England’s unclaimed dead and the people trying to give them a name” as a source. The story I’ve written with a friend (above) would be for an online blog or magazine article.

First person; frank copy; using rhetorical question “But what happens to the rest?” in the source to make you want to read the rest of the article to find out…

Getting awareness for the amount of bodies found without names, to inform. It could happen to anyone.

Adults, late twenties.
 Someone interested in crime thrillers and horrors.

YouTube productions links

full playlist of all my finished works I’ve made in my Media BTEC Level 3 course: 

Crime Thriller intro (part I edited and put together using Premiere Pro:

Full Crime Thriller episode (our whole group of five people had our own bits to edit for this episode and then put them together to form the episode, we each had about a minute each to edit, the boys worked on their part together whilst the rest worked alone but sitting side by side discussing ideas to group in meetings at the same time):

Radio advert for a winter driving safety campaign:
I made this using Adobe Audition CC.

Performing Arts/Working to a Brief promotional video:
From reading a brief we were provided with, to produce a promotional video for the course Performing Arts at Palmer’s college, I made the video using Premiere Pro.